Modelling For Automation

SolidWorks Modelling

Traditionally, when creating a new design that is a variation on a theme, you would have to re-use, modify and create from old designs. However, by using specific modelling techniques model sets can be created which contain design intent, enabling effortless variations of a design or product. We use a variety of advanced SolidWorks functions to create intelligent adaptive models such as in-context relationships, equations, design tables and we can even utilise the SolidWorks API when a macro is required.

Modelling For DriveWorks

Creating model sets for automation through DriveWorks requires a completely different approach. Being technical specialists in the DriveWorks software means we are fully practiced and prepared in how best to put your models together for automation by DriveWorks.

Dependant on the specific DriveWorks package you aim to use, there is a number of techniques that can be identified or addressed, and our team will advise where these techniques would be best used.

Our team’s vast experience of working with DriveWorks is invaluable within this area. As we fully understand all the various aspects involved to effectively prepare your models for automation by DriveWorks we can guide you through this procedure seamlessly.

Notably, our team can create model sets and drawings ready to be used with any of the various DriveWorks packages DriveWorks Xpress (which is free within every seat of SolidWorks), DriveWorks Solo and the full DriveWorks Pro package).

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